The non-profit Future Foundation

The “Zukunftsstiftung der Liechtensteinischen Landesbank AG” (the Future Foundation of Liechtensteinische Landesbank AG), which was founded in 2011 as part of our 150th anniversary celebrations, supports commitment to social and ecological sustainability in everyday life. We support organisations and non-profit projects that improve living and working conditions and promote self-responsibility. Besides this, we promote projects dedicated to environmental protection. We focus on innovations in the areas of knowledge transfer as well as the integration and implementation of social entrepreneurship.

Trust, responsibility and reliability are important to the LLB Group. The company is closely connected to the people and the economy of Liechtenstein and the other home markets of the LLB Group. In addition to project-specific contributions amounting to CHF 64'500, the Future Foundation contributed to society by donating a total of CHF 85'500 to social organisations in 2019. The Future Foundation is a member of the network of the “Vereinigung liechtensteinischer gemeinnütziger Stiftungen” (Association of Liechtenstein Non-Profit Foundations), which aims to promote the idea of entrepreneurial philanthropy.

Projects in 2019

Through its annual donations to a set circle of social institutions in Liechtenstein, the Future Foundation helps to maintain healthy social structures in the country. Providing additional funding to individual projects helps innovative ideas in the area of social and ecological development in the LLB Group’s market regions to be realised in practice.

Over the past eight years, the Future Foundation has made over 160 donations and contributions to over 50 projects, in all totalling over CHF 1.1 million. The projects receiving funding contributions are targeted and located in the market regions of LLB and Bank Linth (Liechtenstein and eastern Switzerland) as well as LLB Österreich. In 2019, the Future Foundation supported the following projects:

  • CIPRA: Specifically, the CIPRA project LOCAL (Low Carbon Alpine Lifestyle), which concentrates on youth participation in social life and is committed to citizen participation in climate protection.
  • FöranandLand: As part of the 300-year anniversary of the Principality of Liechtenstein, the citizens’ action group “Z” encouraged the population to exercise more mutual give and take between the generations.
  • Rafi and friends: The children’s book “Rafi the Refugee Rabbit” encourages empathy for refugee children in school children throughout Europe. The Future Foundation supported the publication of the German edition.
  • Foundation: LLB has been backing this think tank, which addresses economic and socio-political topics relevant to the sustainable development of Liechtenstein and the securing of its future, for the past six years.
  • pepperMINT: The MINT Initiative Liechtenstein is a social foundation that offers children and young people the chance to experience and learn mathematics, computer science, natural science and technology in a fun way.
  • Stiftung Lebenswertes Liechtenstein: The foundation was established in 2019. Its aim is to promote the long-term healthy, social, ecological and economic development of the Principality of Liechtenstein, creating a positive national and international appeal and impact.