Assets under management / Business volume
Thanks to gratifying net new money inflows and the positive performance of the financial markets, assets under management increased by 13.4 per cent to CHF 76.3 billion (31.12.2018: CHF 67.3 billion).
The LLB Group continued its robust growth and, in 2019, attained a net new money inflow of CHF 4’142 million (2018: CHF 1’278 million). A large portion of the inflows was attributable to the investment fund business in Austria. Thanks to intensive sales and amrket cultivation, it achieved positive net new money inflows in all three market segments and all booking centres.
In comparison with 31 December 2018, the business volume expanded by 11.4 per cent or CHF 9.1 billion to CHF 89.3 billion.
Assets under Management (in CHF billion)
Persistently low interest rates, geopolitical risks, great volatility on the financial markets and additional regulatory requirements are continuing to create enormous challenges for banks.
Thanks to its stable foundation, broadly diversified earnings structure and focused business model, the LLB Group has put in place a sound footing for the further development of its corporate group. On the basis of its excellent Aa2 deposits rating, which was reconfirmed by Moody’s in December 2019, the LLB is ranked among the highest rated banks in the world. The LLB Group expects to make further operative progress and achieve a solid Group business result in 2020.