Share price performance
In 2017 and 2018, the LLB share performed well, gaining 59.1 per cent. Over this period the Swiss SWX Banks Index lost 18.7 per cent, while the Swiss Performance Index made a slight gain of 3.1 per cent. The price of the LLB share stood at CHF 62.40 as at 31 December 2019. The total return in 2019 amounted to 0.2 per cent. In comparison, the Swiss SWX Banks Index rose by 15.1 per cent in the year under report. The Swiss Performance Index, which includes almost all listed Swiss stock corporations, climbed by 30.6 per cent in 2019 in comparison with the previous year.
Comparison of LLB share
Indexed from 1 January 2017
Total return on the LLB share
2015 – 2019, in per cent
Download |
in CHF thousands |
31.12.2019 |
31.12.2018 |
Total of registered shares issued (fully paid up) |
30'800'000 |
30'800'000 |
Number of shares eligible for dividend |
30'435'705 |
30'675'159 |
Free float (number of shares) |
10'930'705 |
11'170'159 |
Free float (in per cent) |
35.5 |
36.3 |
Year’s high (21 March 2019 / 3 December 2018) |
71.40 |
68.60 |
Year’s low (15 August 2019 / 5 January 2018) |
59.20 |
49.70 |
Year-end price |
62.40 |
64.20 |
Total return LLB share (in per cent) |
0.2 |
33.4 |
Performance SPI (in per cent) |
30.6 |
–8.6 |
Performance SWX Banking Index (in per cent) |
15.1 |
–28.8 |
Average trading volume (number of shares) |
8'933 |
15'256 |
Market capitalization (in CHF billions) |
1.92 |
1.98 |
Earnings per share attributable to the shareholders of LLB (in CHF) |
3.77 |
2.62 |
Dividend per LLB share (in CHF) |
* 2.20 |
2.10 |
Payout ratio (in per cent) |
54.3 |
75.7 |
Dividend yield at year-end price (in per cent) |
3.5 |
3.3 |
Return on equity attributable to the shareholders of LLB (in per cent) |
6.0 |
4.3 |
Eligible capital per LLB share (in CHF) |
53.2 |
50.8 |