Digitalisation of personnel management
Launched at the end of 2018, the employee portal (eMap) was very much a success in 2019. It offers employees and managers a uniform platform for a variety of different HR applications, ranging from tools for learning management and onboarding new employees to exchanging views on HR issues in communities. At the same time, two management-intensive processes (performance management and people development) were also system supported and automated, improving and facilitating performance measurement and employee development (see section “Measuring the success of staff development”). We have replaced the working hours and absence management system with a state-of-the-art solution. The learning management system was replaced with a new “learning” module, which allows the integration of virtual forms of learning and gives employees and their supervisors a complete overview of completed and planned training courses.
The new HR portal also enables employees to network better internally over a collaboration platform. It allows them to exchange views with others about new topics they are learning about, to search for information and to hold discussions. Creating your own profile is another state-of-the-art function of the new portal. Through it, employees can give their supervisors and selected HR managers access to details about, for example, emergency contacts, language skills, training, management experience as well as their own expectations with regard to their professional development within the LLB Group, and update this information on an ongoing basis.
Use of digital tools in recruitment
We are increasingly using digital tools for recruitment purposes, too. The focus is on recruiting via our social media channels, i. e. LinkedIn, Instagram and XING.