σ, the 18th letter of the Greek alphabet stands for efficiency and the measurement of the quality of processes. Lean management brings our focus on clients, employees and processes to the forefront.
Andrea Heutschi-Rhomberg
Head Private Banking Switzerland, Team Liechtenstein
Private banking – personal and efficient
Long-lasting, close client relationships based on trust distinguished by premium quality and service culture – that is private banking at the LLB Group. To gain more precious time to spend with clients, we rely on lean management.

«Nothing is more precious than the time we spend with our clients.»
Andrea Heutschi-Rhomberg,
Head Private Banking Switzerland, Team Liechtenstein
At the LLB Group, the philosophy of lean processes and digitalisation go hand in hand. For instance, our private banking teams have not only streamlined standard processes and implemented innovative technology for the individual benefit of clients using lean management methods, they have also made work processes and structures more simple, more rapid and more efficient. To gain more time for what is really important: providing personal advice.
of the lean efficiency measures defined by LLB have been implemented
The advisory teams have developed a new perception of themselves – they are part of a culture of permanent process improvement, where they focus knowledge, ideas and solutions squarely on the needs of clients.
There is probably no subject that is more personal than the investment of wealth. In order to develop the ideal individual strategy, it is essential to know and understand the client's specific life situation, as well as his goals and wishes.

Trust is the driver of private banking at the LLB Group. And it is the LLB Group's client advisers, who create and nurture this trust. They are supported by lean management methodology, which amalgamates technological speed, precision and reliability with expert knowledge, extensive experience and creativity.