Digitalisation and data protection

We not only think digitally, we also give intensive consideration to the new risks that digitalisation brings with it. For example, personal data – and therefore access to services – are increasingly stored and interlinked in cyberspace. The interrelationship between human beings, processes and technologies is therefore an essential prerequisite for data protection.

Fraud detection system

In full awareness of how vitally important the security of systems and data are, we have designed future software architecture accordingly. Working in close cooperation with a technology partner, we have developed a broad-based, self-learning fraud detection system for payment systems to counteract internal and external threats.

Information security

Information processing systems, which ensure confidentiality, availability and integrity, provide protection against threats and dangers, also help to prevent damage and minimise risks. The Group Information Security Department formulates, implements and maintains our information security programme. The principles and guidelines on which this is based are specified in directives that are binding throughout the Group.

The assets and information entrusted to us are protected by coordinated processes and systems. Specialists continually analyse the latest risks arising from cyber threats and implement appropriate counter measures.

Raising awareness among employees

Dealing responsibly with client data and information is an integral part of LLB’s corporate culture. In 2017, monthly training courses for new employees were held in Liechtenstein, at Bank Linth and at LLB Austria in Vienna. Refresher training courses are planned in 2018 for 400 employees, who have worked at LLB for longer than four years.

In November 2017, LLB introduced a new learning game for smartphones, which also raises employees’ awareness of the importance of cyber security with its gamification approach. Thanks to IT security training courses, employees who have less affinity with technology, use a fun learning method to find out how to deal with themes such as “phishing”, “DDos attacks” and “social engineering”. LLB has therefore adopted an initiative of the Swiss IT Leadership Forum. It is a member of the ICT Switzerland.